Lloyd Meurer Portrait Studio
Now Located In
Washington, DC Metro Area and Daytona Beach, FL 20854
301-299-1700  *  Gary@PortraitPhotographer.com

Copyright 2019 all rights reserved
About The Artist
Gary D. Lloyd owner of Lloyd Meurer Portrait Studio, has become known as one of the Washington, DC area's leading portrait artists. His photography has won awards at different levels, and he has been awarded the top state and national awards, including:
Professional Photographer of America:
"National Award"
Maryland Professional Photographer Association:
"Photographer of the Year"
"The President's Award"
"Southeastern Professional Photographer Award"
Mr. Lloyd's photography has also been awarded the prestigious
"Photographic Craftsman" by the Professional Photographers of America. Gary's success in portraying people uniquely and creatively stems from his study of classical portraiture both here and in Europe. The studio is conveniently located near Falls and River Roads in Potomac, MD.